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I was invited to a friends Wedding Anniversary  Party and, once again, I had no idea that she was a wood carver. When I was told , I asked to see some of her work.  She really specialised in miniture  items like shoes etc but the one carving that really took my eye was  a relief carving of Sir Nicketty  Nox.

I was very  impressed with this carving.  


I liked the framed picture effect rather than the  'In the Round' carvings that I had been doing since carving the 'Leaf'.


 I decided that my next project would be   something similar.

A wife he had and daughters three, and all were as old, as old could be. They mended the shirts and darned the socks of that old Antiquity, Nicketty Nox.


Sir Nicketty Nox would fly in a rage, if anyone tried to guess his age. He'd mouth and mutter and tear his locks, this very pernickety Nicketty Nox.

Sir Nicketty Nox was an ancient knight, so old was he that he'd lost his sight. Blind as a mole, and slim as a fox, and dry as a stick was Sir Nicketty Nox.


His sword and buckler were old and cracked, so was his charger and that's a fact.Thin as a rake from head to hocks, was this rickety nag of Sir Nicketty Nox.

I had a marquetary picture of a group of musicians that I thought would be ideal as the model for my first attempt at 'Deep Relief' carving.

So here is the result of my first attempt at 'Deep Relief' carving.


I was very pleased with the result even though the musicians are standing on air.


I had drawn the picture on to the wood and chiseled an outline around the clowns before I realised that I should have put them on a dias.  I'm sure you wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't pointed out the deliberate mistake.


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